Everything You Should Know About Dental Crowns and Bridges

Dental problems are generally scary for people as they don’t want to indulge in such visits. It is because people are always worried about what will happen to their teeth. In this case, even if you are scared, if you have any chipped, broken or damaged teeth, it is wise that you visit the doctor for better care. 

In this article, we will learn about some of the important treatment options available for people. If you are facing any of the teeth problems, you should visit a dentist and find out more about the solutions.

What is a Dental Crown? 

Crowns are tooth-shaped caps which are made of various materials, such as combinations of porcelain, metals, gold and resin. It helps to protect the damaged teeth. There are porcelain crowns, which are the go-to options for people these days as it is considered safe, durable, and aesthetic. 

If the tooth is weakened or there is any external damage to the teeth, like chips or cracked teeth, a crown will be a viable option for you. These crowns are used as a therapy for the root canal or to fill the large gaps as it helps to strengthen the tooth structure. 

What are the Benefits of Dental Crowns? 

  • Dentists recommend that it is useful for cracked and chipped teeth to fill the large gaps. 
  • There are individual crowns which protect a single tooth as a protection shield; therefore, this is more viable for people who have a problem with teeth. 
  • It also supports dental procedures such as root-canal-treated teeth or holds dental implants and bridges in place. 

What is a Dental Bridge? 

Crowns and bridges are considered the same treatment, but there is a slight difference between these two treatments. A crown is an individual cap, while on the other hand, the dental bridge can cover one or more missing teeth. It acts as an anchors with the bridge which links them together. 

It covers the space between the missing tooth, and therefore, it is viable for people who are missing one or more teeth. 

What are the Benefits of Bridges? 

  • Bridges are a good option for people because they cover the larger area of the mouth as they fill the missing teeth. 
  • It is a natural-looking option for patients, which helps them to improve their smile. 
  • The dental bridge also supports the smile and jaw structure of the teeth from the crowding gaps. It, therefore, improves the speech and chewing options for people. 

So, these are certain points that you must know about dental crowns and bridges so that it will help you decide which is the best option for you. 

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